
Thursday, October 22, 2020

Intercessions ~ Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

This week in Rome,/ at the International Prayer Meeting for Peace,/ Pope Francis said, "War always leaves the world worse than it was. War is a failure of politics and of humanity." We pray to understand the pope's words./ For the nations which profit by the production of deadly weapons,/ to experience a change of heart./ We pray to the Lord.

The promulgation of National Character Week,/ encourages us to be more kind,/ loving./ understanding and virtuous./ May we discover these qualities anew./ May we be freed of bullying,/ lies,/ selfishness,/ name calling and violence/ which seem to have found a new energy in our nation./ We pray to the Lord.

In its early phases these days,/ the moon is increasing./ May our sense of each other/ and the common good/ increase in us/ these months of life-threatening sickness./ We pray to the Lord.

Since March,/ eight million Americans have slipped into poverty./ Their rescue does not depend on charity,/ but on aware,/ compassionate/ and just leadership./ We pray to the Lord.

Fires continue to burn in the western states/ destroying thousands of homes and miles of forest./ We pray for the exhausted firefighters/ and those who have lost everything./ We pray boldly for rain./ We pray to the Lord.

Soon it will be Election Day./ May we be mature and informed in choosing leaders./ May those who run for office be genuinely awakened,/ good people./ We pray to the Lord.

More than a million people around the world have died of Coronavirus;/ more than 220,000 of them are from the United States./ We pray for them and those who mourn them./ For those who do nothing to help others stay safe and well./ We pray to the Lord.