
Thursday, October 8, 2020

Intercessions ~ Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time


In the autumn time/ a great tree can drop thousands of leaves./ May we drop the needy obsessions,/ masks and wrong-headed ways of relating/ that keep us from living full human lives./ We pray to the Lord.

During a time of pandemic,/ social distress,/ global disparities and leadership failure/ the Pope's new encyclical offers us an alternative view/ requiring awareness,/ honesty and courage./ May we even read it./ We pray to the Lord

More than 213,000 Americans have died of Coronavirus./ May we take this sickness seriously./ We pray for those who are cavalier about the danger,/ asking for new hearts of solidarity and caring./ We pray to the Lord.

In this election season,/ we ask to be wise in choosing leaders who are freed of the extremes of ego,/ greed and lies,/ who see themselves as decent/ and generous public servants./ We pray to the Lord.

For our families,/ friends,/ neighbors,/ fellow parishioners and colleagues to be safe and well./ In a country where there are more guns than people,/ we ask for our salvation./ We pray to the Lord.

May we be a heart-searching people,/ healed of the arrogant racism which afficts us and offends God's justice and love./ May we learn to walk with each other/ freed of suspicion./ We pray to the Lord.

During the Stalin years,/ when the priests of Poland were taken away,/ it is said the parish women continued to lay out the vestments for the next day's Mass,/ and that weeping could be heard for the people having taken the Mass for granted./ During this Covid sickness/ may we come to love our Sunday worship/ with a new depth of understanding and gratitude./ We pray to the Lord.