
Thursday, October 15, 2020

Intercessions ~ Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time


In our hemisphere,/ nature seems to go to sleep,/ while underground,/ it is quite awake;/ may we enter deeply the intelligence of an awake heart,/ and lead the way for our disordered and chaotic nation./ We pray to the Lord.

For all who are endangered by war,/ fire,/ storms,/ disease,/ and threats of violence./ For the world where new cases of coronavirus are increasing,/ and for those who do not care./ We pray to the Lord.

For Pope Francis,/ whose new encyclical calls us to fresh understandings of what it means for us to live in the dignity of our being brothers and sisters to one another on this planet./ While we create a charitable world,/ may we all the more create a just world./ We pray to the Lord.

In this election time,/ may our vote be cast for the sake of the world./ May we be led safely through the dangerous spiritual crisis we are suffering./ We pray to the Lord.

For the President of the United States,/ not to be a superman,/ but a true,/ good,/ just and unselfish man./ May Election Day be well-ordered and peaceful./ We pray to the Lord.

May we not leave the contemplative life to the monks and nuns,/ but be ourselves,/ clean of heart,/ wide awake to God' creative and transformative energies,/ asking for God's Holy Spirit to re-birth us,/ as higher and whole human persons/ called away from deceit,/ ignorance and illusion./ We pray to the Lord.