
Thursday, November 19, 2020

Intercessions ~ Feast of Christ the King


On the Feast of Christ the King,/ may we join Pope Francis in his message for the World Day of the Poor,/ asking that,"The end of all our actions would only be love,/ love that is one of sharing,/ dedication and service,/ born of the realization that we were first loved and awakened to love."/ We pray to the Lord.

On the Feast of Christ the King,/ we pray for the Church to eschew earthly power./ For the healing of the Church/ which has been damaged by political extremism/ and its own failures of conscience./ We pray to the Lord.

On the Feast of Christ the King,/ we pray for the nation to learn God's values again and again./ May we be peacemakers,/ who feed the hungry,/ welcome the stranger,/ ensure justice,/ live in mercy and humility./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for the protection and strength of hospital personnel who work to save the lives of coronavirus sufferers./ We pray boldly for the heart-turning of those who refuse to  undertaken the simplest measures/ to keep others safe in this time of pandemic./ We pray to the Lord.

At the end of the liturgical year,/ may we have thankful hearts/ preparing for Advent/ and its invitation to draw near to the light of Christ's mind./ We pray to the Lord.

The nation is not experiencing a smooth transition of power./ May God take us in hand,/ and lead us to peace,/ healed of racism,/ violence,/ indifference/ and consumerist entitlement and greed./ For the heart-evolution of those who are shameless actors in the world of politics,/ media and religion./ We pray to the Lord.