
Thursday, November 26, 2020

Intercessions ~ First Sunday of Advent

El Greco ~ St. Andrew, Apostle

At the start of Advent,/ may the nation begin again,/ re-learning courtesy,/ unity,/ and cooperation—all the values which advance the light,/ helping us to see clearly what is of God,/ and deeply human./ We pray to the Lord. 

Monday is the Feast of the Apostle, St. Andrew,/ who introduced the little boy to Jesus before the multiplication of the loaves in the wilderness./ May we know each other in the life of the church,/ and value and care for one another./ We pray to the Lord.

Eleven percent of all new Covid cases are children./ Food insecurity has spread across the nation./ Hero doctors and nurses are exhausted and even in tears at what they see./ Covid patients/ waiting to be admitted to hospitals/ die while sitting in waiting rooms,/ and still many Americans refuse even to wear a mask./ May God help and forgive./ We pray to the Lord.

The nation is in a difficult time of Presidential transition,/ may we learn what it means to be "great again."/ May we be great in compassion,/ great in feeding the hungry,/ great in establishing peace through the hard work of dialogue,/ great in creating a world of justice,/great in saving our planet-home./ We pray to the Lord.

As the holiday time has begun with Thanksgiving,/ we pray for our families to be safe and well,/ remembering those who have no family,/ or whose families are broken,/ sick or suffering./ We pray to the Lord.

Pope Francis speaks boldly to the world in a new book,/ imagining life for the planet after Coronavirus./ He will be unfazed by the many who will dismiss him angrily./ May we grow in courage,/ which is in short supply,/ especially among those we look to for leadership./ We pray to the Lord.