
Thursday, November 12, 2020

Intercessions ~ Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

May we heal/ and become in truth the/ "one nation under God"/ we admire and profess./ We pray to the Lord.

Another liturgical year of grace will soon draw to  close./ We pray to grow in the gifts of Christ's Word and Sacrament/ which we have received these many months./ We pray to the Lord.

As the nation experiences a daily worsening of the coronavirus pandemic,/ we pray boldly for God to take us in hand,/ and to break the spell of anger,/ indifference and stubborn ignorance/ which prevents us from getting well./ We pray to the Lord. 

May the nation's newly elected officials be kept safe and in good health./ May they remain clean of heart./ We pray to the Lord.

We ask the blessings of strength and assistance for those who are unemployed,/ lacking food  or security./ For those whose jobs have been made more difficult during this pandemic./ For first responders and all who help the sick in hospitals./ We pray to the Lord.

During our contentious election season,/ the rest of the world struggled with many problems./ And so we pray for those who live where there is war,/ disaster,/ corruption,/ injustice and sickness./ For the world's children./ We pray to the Lord.