
Thursday, December 3, 2020

Intercessions ~ Second Sunday of Advent

St. Nicholas ~ Patron of Children

2020 has been a year of disease,/ death./ and disappointment./ As that year draws to its close,/  may we hope for a new year of health,/ cooperation,/ truth,/ a return to decency, and goodness/ - a year of light./ We pray to the Lord.

On the Feast of St. Nicholas,/ the patron saint of children,/ we pray for the hungry children,/ the abused and trafficked children,/ the children of war zones,/ the children separated from parents,/ the pre-born children,/ the children of special needs,/ the children in our own lives. We pray to the Lord.

Monday is Pearl Harbor Day/ - that day which brought the United States into the Second World War./ A weaponized world seems to beg for war./ We pray boldly for a new world/ where growing food,/ educating and protecting children,/ healing disease/ and lifting up the poorest are our first priorities./ We pray to the Lord.

Chanukah,/  the Jewish feast of light,/ begins on Friday./ We pray for our Jewish friends and neighbors./ We ask for the conversion of hearts/ which rejects  anti-semitism/ and amy stereotyping of persons/ causing heartache and loss./ We pray to the Lord. 

An autumn flock of geese,/ assumes its classic V formation by instinct./ As the higher life form,/ may we consciously embrace the simplest practices/ which help to save lives during this coronavirus pandemic./ And let us pray again for the heroic doctors and nurses fighting  bravely to save lives./ We pray to the Lord. 

Many of the animals,/ the trees and other plants/ are resting now./ As the holiday time is here,/ may we be spiritually wise,/ and not lost to exhausted,/ frenzied living./ May we be attentive to those who are lonely and forgotten./ We pray to the Lord.