
Thursday, December 10, 2020

Intercessions ~ Third Sunday of Advent

Francisco Zurbaran ~ St. Lucy ~ detail ~1625-1630

Sunday is the Advent feast of Saint Lucy,/ patron saint of those with eye disease./ We pray for those who are physically blind,/ or whose sight is impaired./ For ourselves and our nation,/ as our spiritual sight can be limited by arrogance,/ selfishness,/ or simply a preference to live in dark ignorance./ We pray to the Lord.

Nearly 300,000 Americans have died of coronavirus./ We pray for them and their sad relatives and friends./ We pray for those who still refuse to adhere to the simplest health recommendations./ For front line workers—doctors,/ nurses,/ orderlies and hospital cleaning crews./ For health care systems which are nearing the breaking point./ We pray to the Lord.

In Advent/ we prepare to celebrate the birth of the one we call Savior./ So we pray to be freed of all the false saviors we can adore:/ consumerism,/ partisanship and devotion to our candidates,/ religious fundamentalism,/ false patriotism,/ even secularism/ where we fail to pay attention to God in the decisions we make./ We pray to the Lord.

Even after Election Day,/ our divisions and discontent seem to persist and deepen./ We ask for gifts of healing./ May we learn to trust again./ We pray to the Lord.

May the newly elected,/ preparing to assume public office,/ be people of sound mind,/ good character and good faith./ May they set out to be servant-friends to the many Americans who are falling behind./ We pray to the Lord.

As the cold time descends,/ we pray for those who are out of work,/ who are threatened with evictions or foreclosures,/ who are food insecure,/ uninsured,/ feeling stressed and burdened./  We ask for a nation which helps people to feel safe and well./ We pray to the Lord.

Give gifts of life and light to the many who have died since last Christmas,/ those who have died of this pandemic,/ in wars,/ or the frequent disasters that have occurred this past year./ For the many around the world who are dying of loneliness and neglect./ We pray to the Lord.