
Sunday, January 17, 2021

Understanding "Jesus Saves"


When the Capitol in Washington was set upon by rioters recently, not a few carried signs and banners reading, "Jesus Saves." Gun rights and, Jesus Saves. White Supremacy and, Jesus Saves. Forgive the indelicacy but there it is — defecating in the Capitol building and, Jesus Saves. Beating a police officer mercilessly with a pole bearing an American flag and, Jesus Saves. Another officer is dead, crushed with a fire extinguisher and, Jesus Saves. Poor Jesus, what his self-proclaimed followers have done with him and his message of light and love.

How embarrassing for Christianity — a religion made to look ridiculous by those who think they are his disciples. Someone might say, "Well, any religion can be twisted up." I'd say that's just a deflection. Anyway, to make the claim Jesus Saves means nothing, unless one understands that claim to have a personal and transformative effect. In other words, pray only for one thing to be saved — myself.

I might contemplate this icon of Jesus' Bright Face until it is imprinted in my heart. Then I can take it, and the prayer below, to the news of the day.

Jesus, save me from the incendiary heart.
Jesus, save me from feeling victimized.
Jesus, save me from any trace of superiority.
Jesus, save me from my foolish reasonings.

Jesus, deliver me from discouragement. 
Jesus, deliver me from inner confusion.
Jesus, deliver me from old guilt.
Jesus, deliver me from cynicism.

Jesus, rescue me from entitlement.
Jesus, rescue me from hostility.
Jesus, rescue me from my secret darkness.
Jesus, rescue me from stereotyping.

Jesus, free me from kidding myself.
Jesus, free me from labeling people.
Jesus, free me from defensiveness.
Jesus, free me from my rationalizations.

Jesus, release me from the fictions. 
Jesus, release me from making anyone or anything a god.
Jesus, release me from self-congratulations.
Jesus, release me from the silliness I swear by.

Jesus, redeem me from being so afraid.
Jesus, redeem me from being so self-assured.
Jesus, redeem me from aligning myself with the vain.
Jesus, redeem me from entertaining distractions.

Jesus, preserve me from hoarding.
Jesus, preserve me from distorted self-interest.
Jesus, preserve me from the perversion of religion.
Jesus, preserve us from war with ourselves.

Jesus, save me from self-righteousness.
Jesus, save me from listening to the impious.
Jesus, save me from your enemies.
Jesus, save me from the admiration of power.