
Sunday, February 7, 2021

Early February Moon


This is how the moon looked Saturday night — except you'd need a telescope to see all those craters. It is a Waning Crescent Moon with about thirty percent of the moon's surface illuminated. Soon it will disappear and we will begin again with a new moon—each night, the moon growing until it is a full moon. Native Americans called the February Full Moon, Snow Moon or Ice Moon. We may have thoughts of surrender or letting go when we see the moon disappearing into shadow. The moon is referred to a number of times in the psalms.

When I see the heavens, the work of your hands

the moon and the stars which you arranged,

What is man that you should keep him in mind,

mortal man that you care for him?  Psalm 8:3

At 4 A.M. last night the moon was more yellow than the orange appearance here, with a shelf of softly lit clouds beneath it. It was lovely in full view. Then it was lovely seen through a tall Hemlock. Lovely again, seen a few steps later through the more wispy branches of a White Pine and then, yet again, through the branches of a Sycamore, which of course in early February were bare. We are always being invited to look closely.