
Sunday, April 4, 2021

Easter Sunday ~ Blessings Standing at the Grave of Vasily Polenov

Christ is Risen! Truly he is Risen! 

We have spent these Lenten weeks together, looking at forty-three images created by Vasily Polenov and a couple of paintings by his friends. We have seen many Polenov landscapes but also a number of images from his Life of Christ Cycle. Thank you for coming along. Thank you for perhaps inviting others to enter here. I'm pleased for the connection and give thanks for the friends who introduced me to Polenov's work.  St. Paul writes: 

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, — think about such things."  Philippians 4:8

I send good wishes to you at Easter and a blessing for health and safety these Covid days. I send good wishes for your peace and encouragement  in a world that is troubled, threatened and often sad. Here is my blessing prayer for you, as I imagine myself standing at Vasily's grave on Easter Morning.

May this Easter Morning, lift you up in joy.
May the fence around Vasily's grave, help you to feel secure.
May the clustered white iris, bring blessings for your family and friends.
May the gently curved conifer, teach you to lean on the everlasting arm.

May the lichen-d stone at the foot of the cross, teach you to dash your thoughts 
    upon Christ the Rock.
May the willow tree beyond, console your broken heart.
May the three-barred cross, reassure you that you are loved.
May the garden's abundance, remind you that each breath is a plant's gift.

May the creatures hidden in the green — the birds, the insects, the animals — teach 
    you receptivity.
May the Oka, flowing below the high bank, help you to learn acceptance.
May the church's Easter bells, summon you to something new of Christ.
May the winter-survived garden, keep you in safety and health.

May the leafed out trees and the springing up of grasses, green you in 
    Christ's goodness.
May the lavender flowers, reduce your tensions and bring spiritual healing.
May the distant church of the Holy Trinity, invite you into God's inner community 
    of divine persons.
May the hazy, spring-morning sky, teach you of Christ, who has walked through 
    human darkness — trampling down death by death.