
Thursday, April 15, 2021

Intercessions ~ Third Sunday of Easter


Yellow Magnolia

May we join Pope Francis/ who on Easter Sunday prayed,/ "May the Lord who is our peace,/ help us to overcome the mindset of war/ — inspire world leaders to curb the race for new weaponry./ We pray to the Lord.

While indeed, all lives matter,/ may we be humble,/ honest and generous in acknowledging and lamenting that many people in the world don't feel their lives matter./ For those who are trapped in poverty,/ who are victimized by injustices,/ global and national imbalances./ We pray to the Lord.

There is a great and painful loneliness in the world today./ May the world's religions be a source of inclusion and encouragement./ As the Gospel account tells of Jesus accompanying the disciples Easter evening/ may no person feel they are walking alone./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for a nation where we can now count on hearing news of yet another shooting massacre/ and physical harm done to persons who are perceived as "other."/ May God remove from the national heart the illness,/ violence and hatred that belies our professed trust in God./ We pray to the Lord.

Give gifts of patience,/ creativity and encouragement/ to parents who are particularly stressed during this Covid sickness./ We pray again for the many who offer themselves in the service of the sick./ We pray to the Lord.

During the Easter Springtime/ may Christ melt was is frozen and warm what is chill within us./ We pray to the Lord.