
Thursday, May 27, 2021

Intercessions ~ Feast of the Holy Trinity

May this Memorial Day weekend be more than simply the marking of an official start of summer,/ but may we resolve to put an end to wasteful wars/ where young people die,/ often ignorant of why they are fighting and dying./  May we re-discover Memorial Day as a time of reflection and hope,/ that the world's children may grow up in confidence and peace./ We pray to the Lord.

It is the Feast of the Holy Trinity — that God's inner life is a life of relationship and community./ Grant that we would be able to love beyond the little worlds we find ourselves in/ and to hold in that love/ the larger world of suffering,/ pain and loneliness./ We pray to the Lord.

Hate crimes against Asians and Jews continue to increase in this country./ Bringing great shame upon the country,/  they are crimes of terrible violence,/ pain,/ injury and even death./ We ask God to heal the sickness of hate festering in many hearts./ We pray to the Lord.

Pope Francis has invited us to keep this as the year of St. Joseph,/ who listened to angels and acted upon their messages./ Grant that in a world of constant talking and noise, / we may learn again the value of silence./ May we respect others through careful listening./ We pray to the Lord.

This week we saw the brilliant Flower Moon of abundant light./ Grant that we would live in God's abundant light,/ revealed to us in Christ,/ a way of wonder,/ divine courtesy,/ kindness and compassion./ We pray to the Lord.

Capital punishment is the way of revenge./ May we learn the way of the healing Christ,/ believing that his gifts of grace can restore darkened hearts and minds./ We pray for those who have been victimized by the crimes of others,/ mindful of those who have died at the hands of others./ We pray for those who serve in prison ministry./ We pray to the Lord.