
Thursday, May 20, 2021

Intercessions ~ Pentecost Sunday

Our Lady of Vladimir ~ Feodorovich Ushakov (1652) 

We may safely infer from St. Luke's account/ that Mary was with the apostles on the day of Pentecost./ May we understand/ in simple and practical ways/ that Christ's Spirit-Gift is given to us as well./ Mary-like,/ may we spiritually 'birth' Christ in our own place and time./ We pray to the Lord. 

Monday is the Feast of Mary,/ Mother of the Church./ May the Church reveal to the world a maternal face that is kind,/ compassionate,/ helpful and patient with people as they grow and evolve./We pray to the Lord.

The place we call The Holy Land,/ the land of the prophets,/ Jesus and Mary,/ the apostles and early monks and nuns,/ is once again a place of rockets and death./ Many dozens of the dead are children./ May God forgive,/ enlighten and heal./ We pray to the Lord.

Some parts of the country are flooded,/ while other parts are in draught and flames./ May we realize the sins of our neglect and exploitation that have left our planet so vulnerable./ For our conversion to the renewal of the earth./ We pray to the Lord.

Whether it is for the sake of the baby in the womb,/ or the newcomer,/ or the poor man, woman or child,/ or the ones living with disabilities,/ or persons in all their variety,/ may we learn what it means to respect each human person./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for the sick,/ the hospitalized,/ the dying and all who care for them./ Grant conversion of heart to those who are hateful,/ dangerous or failed in leadership./ We pray to the Lord.