
Thursday, May 6, 2021

Intercessions ~ Sixth Sunday in Easter

May Wisteria

We pray for Pope Francis in the Eastertime./ In the face of resistance and obstruction,/ may he be protected/ and remain well and safe./ May his work enable the Church to live  truly for God alone./ We pay to the Lord.

Today we pray for our own mothers and grandmothers./ For mothers who are distressed,/ weakened,/ or at their wits end./ We ask for that turning of heart which makes their well-being/ and that of their children/ a global priority./ We pray to the Lord. 

Spring is the season of gardens,/ of plants and seeding/ watering and cultivating./ May we do our own inner heart-work of responding to the voice of God/ summoning us to God's mercy and love./ We pray to the Lord.

While the Spring is a season of delight,/ we pray for the people of Mexico and Israel where terrible tragedies have occurred recently./ We pray too for the people of India/ where the coronavirus is out of control./ We ask blessings for those who send help and hope./ We ask consolation for mourners./ We pray to the Lord.

April and May are months of Spring rain./ May God's justice rain down on us/ teaching us that we do not live in isolation,/ but in the things which matter most,/ we are together,/ even around  the world./ We pray to the Lord.

May we eschew us-versus-them religion,/ which is not the way of Christ,/ but militarized,/ contentious and polarized./ Grant that we would see in Mary and Joseph/ what it means/ in humility/ to say yes to Jesus,/ to learn simply to be God's servants,/ in praise and gratitude./  We pray to the Lord.