
Sunday, May 16, 2021

May Rosary to End the Coronavirus Pandemic

Pope Francis has asked the Catholic faithful to pray the rosary during May for an end to the coronavirus pandemic. Each evening of the thirty days, the rosary is prayed from a different Marian shrine across the globe. In May we're reminded that violets are symbolic of the Mother of God. Growing close to the ground they are emblems of her humility, "I am the Lord's servant..." Luke 1:38

Below, I'm offering a short intentional prayer-thought between each Hail Mary.

Our Father

We have the ability to end this viral pandemic by vaccines, sharing and the careful observance of health protocols. May we be generous in a protective love for other people.

Hail Mary

There are countries particularly hard hit by this virus because of internal corruption or poverty. In India, there are villages being decimated by the virus because there are no doctors, hospitals or clinics.

Hail Mary

We pray for doctors, nurses, lab technicians, vaccinators, first responders and rescuers, and those who have the difficult job of burying the many who have died of coronavirus.

Hail Mary

We pray for those who are mourning the millions who have died, who have lost relatives and friends to coronavirus. For their consolation and strengthening.

Hail Mary

For those who are are quarantined, and the many who are struggling to stay alive in hospitals — mindful that in some parts of the world, patients are dying for lack of oxygen. May we take nothing for granted and learn gratitude in depth.

Hail Mary

There are some, even politicians, who are not helping at all, but who in the their anger are causing confusion, spreading fear and lies, pandering to a base of deniers. Others are making money off of this pandemic as profiteers do during times of war.

Hail Mary

We pray for those who participate in events called super spreaders, others who cheat to get vaccines ahead of others. May Jesus give us the clean heart of the Gospel.

Hail Mary

For the strengthening of those elected officials and public servants, truth tellers, who work bravely to bring this pandemic to an end, despite the obstructers.

Hail Mary

It seems now in this time of great anger, when people do not like or approve of what someone else has said, they quickly resort to death threats. We pray for God to change the nation's heart, to convert us to humility, docility, generosity of spirit  and true religion.

Hail Mary

And for ourselves to have the poverty of spirit Jesus blesses — that inner soul which wants nothing more than to see the face of God — to trust God, to love and delight in God.

Hail Mary

Glory be to the Father...