
Thursday, June 24, 2021

Intercessions ~ Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

 Storm Clouds Over Wildflower Meadow ~ Betty Berard

As houses of worship open slowly,/ may congregations gather to hear the Divine Word/ responding with generosity and gratitude./ We pray to the Lord.

Almost all the western states are enduring a drought crisis./ We pray for those who are fighting fires./ Bless the covid and climate-change deniers./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for all of creation,/ the summer gardens,/ woodlands,/ waterways,/ the plants and animals./ creatures seen and unseen./ Teach us to reverence your natural gifts;/ to heal and restore those places where human greed and ignorance have marred the paradise planet you have given us./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for all the people of this world./ Free us from the unclean spirits of power,/ lies,/ obstruction and selfish partisanship,/ which keep us at odds with one another./ May we learn what it means to seek the common good./ We pray to the Lord.

Encourage and renew the many across the nation who are losing heart,/ feeling powerless,/ fed-up/ angry and dispirited./ Heal the violent hearts;/ the aggressive,/ entitled hearts./ Bring about in us the more perfect union we once dreamed of./ We pray to the Lord.

In every family there are persons who are sick,/ struggling,/ fearful and burdened./ Bless them;/ encourage and strengthen them./ May we be willing to lift the weak ones to their feet./ We pray to the Lord.