
Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Prayer for a summer morning — or any time


Blessed be the Holy Trinity, one God —

God of limitless imagination, 

God of generative heartbeat and breath,

God of each human person in uniqueness,

God of knowing and accepting,

God of restoration and revitalization,

God of self revelation and shared word. Amen.

God in our searching,

God in our wound,

God in our anxiety,

God in our foible and foolishness,

God in our discovering,

God in our delights. Amen.

God of abundance,

God of loveliness,

God of our awakening to light,

God of table-spread,

God of conscience cure. 

God of the negligible and small. Amen.

God who gathers and heals,

God who companions,

God who incarnates,

God who consoles and encourages,

God who inspires,

God who takes care. Amen.

God of prophet's alarm,

God of wonder and announcement,

God of Mary's cheer,

God of Bethlehem's birthing,

God of beatitude and miracle,

God of Christ's bright rising. Amen.