
Sunday, July 25, 2021

Christic Prayer of Protection

This 1998 painting by the Indian artist-theologian, Dr. Solomon Raj, is titled, Jesus on the Lotus Flower. The lotus is a symbol of peace. Here, Jesus the teacher blesses us with his wounded hand. He is peaceful, perhaps saying to us, "Do not be afraid." 

The lotus rests atop a clear blue pond where fish swim. The Greek word for fish holds the initials for the name, Jesus Christ. We see other lotus flowers and their flat green leaves floating off into the distance. The sun and moon appear simultaneously. Christ's peace is for all time.

A Christic Prayer of Protection

May the birth of Christ re-birth you,
   the Mother of Christ count you as one of her own,
   the eyes of Christ reflect your face,
   the bread of Christ nourish you,
   the mind of Christ give you a new perspective.

May the walking of Christ accompany you,
   the sitting of Christ welcome you,
   the hem of Christ's mantle heal you,
   the ears of Christ hear your heartache,
   the arm of Christ ease your fears.

May the cross of Christ support you,
   the pierced heart of Christ give you access to the divine,
   the Easter smile of Christ preserve you in hope,
   the peace of Christ reassure you,
   the glowing wounds of Christ transform the wounds you bear.