
Thursday, July 29, 2021

Intercessions ~ Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

"The Lord is near to the broken hearted" ~ Psalm 34:18

At the start of August,/ we pray for those who will celebrate birthdays,/ anniversaries and other days of remembrance,/ asking for the blessings of good health,/ safety and peace./ We pray to the Lord.

Dozens of uncontrolled fires continue to burn in the western states,/ leaving firefighters exhausted,/ countless persons evacuated,/ vast plant and animal ecosystems destroyed and unimaginable amounts of oxygen and water consumed./ God has made us stewards of this planet./ May we vigorously assume the mandate./ We pray to the Lord.

The national increase of new covid cases,/ hospitalizations and deaths is alarming./ May we learn responsibility for one another./ May we support government where it seeks to fulfill its legitimate role of protecting the well being of citizens./ We pray to the Lord. 

The Summer Olympic games in Tokyo continue for some days into August./ We pray for these games to support and encourage new unity among persons and nations./ We pray to the Lord.

This week we heard the testimony of Capitol and Metropolitan police officers who were defenders in the January 6 hate-filled insurrection on the Capitol/ which left a stain on the nation./ We ask God to forgive,/ enlighten,/ heal and restore our country./ We pray to the Lord.

By the invitation of Pope Francis,/ this week we observed the first Day of Grandparents and the Elderly,/ many of whom are fearful of being forgotten or discarded./ May we listen to what our elders have to say,/ that we might avoid repeating the sins and mistakes of the past./ We pray to the Lord.