
Thursday, July 15, 2021

Intercessions ~ Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Monarch on Tithonia Rotundifolia

Let us pray for those who these days sow chaos,/ fear,/ suspicion,/ blame,/ fanciful theories,/ rebellions/ and even civil war./ May we find ourselves again as a nation,/ with trust and love uniting us./ We pray to the Lord.

The chief of the Florida Task Force at Surfside said,/ "I feel like I'm physically digging, but I'm also emotionally digging for more strength and courage." We pray for the chief's recovery team/ and the family and friends who wait./ We pray to the Lord.

Give us wisdom of heart and a creative strength of will/ while our nation suffers the calamity of heat,/ draught and fire in the Western States./ We pray to the Lord.

May those who are in power around the world,/ have hearts which listen to the voices of  prophets and the word of God in Christ./ Protect the brave people who speak difficult truths/ and who put themselves at even grave risk./ We pray to the Lord. 

You know us,/ O God,/ even in the sighs of our hearts./ Hear the people of our stressed planet in their desperation,/ tears and brokenness./ Change hearts to lift up and restore those who suffer great need./ We pray to the Lord.

As churches and parishes come out of covid isolation,/ may Sunday be renewed as a day of joy and prayer./ May God's word be proclaimed in clarity and courage./ May the Sabbath be a day of growth and change./ We pray to the Lord.