
Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Flower Discovery (and more)

I recently came across this marvelous flower in someone's front garden. NOT photoshopped; I don't know how to do that. I simply took the picture in the early morning while out walking my dog.

A sleuth friend investigated and found the plant has the species name: Nelumbo nucifera and bears the common names: East Indian Lotus, Oriental Lotus, Lotus Root, Sacred Lotus Caspian Nelumbium, Indian Lotus, Sacred Egyptian Bean.  Lotus has been cultivated in China for 3000 years. 

Thea botanical website says the plant's rhizomes need to stand in mucky soil. So I expect while we can't see it here, hidden under the huge leaves and amidst all the other summer plants, it is indeed planted in a plastic container of soaked soil. All the online literature recommends NOT growing it in your pond as it is invasive (it'll take over). But here it is safely contained. More importantly — isn't it wonderful! I had walked the dog for forty minutes through the neighborhoods and something prompted me to take a turn down a street I have no recollection of having ever walked down before. Lucky me!

Lotus (not to be confused with water lily) is sacred to Buddhism and Hinduism where it represents a path to spiritual awakening and enlightenment. Our comatose culture might pay close attention. "For this people's heart has grown dull" (Mark13:15) But I would suggest this: Jesus often invites us to wake up. Waking up is not the same as having religious book knowledge or observing religious practices or obligations. It's not the same as assenting to religious truths. For one to come to spiritual enlightenment or awakening my life needs to be grounded in the muck (mud) of life — especially the mud of one's own life. That's not the same as sin — I have to know myself.  Especially these days, ours is a resentment-laden culture of looking out in suspicion, doubt and the blaming of everyone else. What's really going on inside?

Lotus might say, "Cut it out, don't just stand there admiring me, but go inside and get a good, long look at yourself. Know yourself!" It's risky, but only then have I really started to stand before God.

Do I resist what others tell me about my self?
Do I have to be in control?
Do I form my own mind or am I plugged in to other voices - especially media voices?
Do I consult others who might know better?
Am I a blamer — complainer?
Am I more an observer — standing on the sidelines rather than making a contribution?
Has my prayer (How has my prayer) grown/changed since I was a child?
Have I stagnated or plateaued?
Is only my religion true?
My party? Have I supplanted one for the other?
Am I living in resentment?
Do I think or behave in self-defeating ways?
Is there some part of me that I'm leaving untreated?
Something about myself I don't dare speak about?
What does being a Christic person mean for me? More than being nice?

The Genesis story begins with God saying, Let there be light. But the plants (which need light) aren't made until day three and the sun isn't made until day four. So it seems that the plants first live by God's own light. The first light. What does that signify for me spiritually?