
Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Intercessions ~ Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time


Sacred Heart Church ~ Haiti

We pray for populations which are battered by drought,/ fire,/ storms,/ sickness and insurgencies./ We pray for people who are forced to leave their  homes./ For the children and elderly./ For the restoration of security./ We pray to the Lord.

Where the nation's in-house fighting is born of partisan loyalties,/ laziness or willful ignorance,/ forgive us/ and lead us to that true patriotism which empowers us to protect the children,/ the elderly and the most vulnerable./ We pray to the Lord.

We  pray for Christians who have lost their way,/ whose faith is formed by media personalities and media outlets./ And for ourselves to know and love the mind of Christ in his Gospel Word,/ even to putting at risk defensive and comfortable old thinking./ We pray to the Lord.

We hold the troubled nation of Afghanistan in our hearts,/ where so many are living in danger,/ terror and dread./  We ask for solutions which will restore and secure the wellbeing,/ security and happiness of its people./ For the many who are trying to help./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray boldly for cooler days and the gift of rain where it is needed./ And yet again we pray to know what to do to alleviate the climate crisis which is wrecking havoc around the world,/ and the will and sacrifice  to do it./ We pray to the Lord.

Another earthquake has further weakened Haiti./ The churches of Our Lady of the Rosary,/ Our Lady of Perpetual Help,/ St. Anne,/ St. Peter,/ Sacred Heart and Immaculate Conception/ have been destroyed./ They are symbolic of broader devastation./ May we worship with grateful hearts/ and a resolve to do something to help./ We pray to the Lord.