
Thursday, August 26, 2021

Intercessions ~ Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Little girl being lifted over a wall at the Kabul airport

God of creation,/ be with us in the healing of our planet./ In the warming,/ melting and burning/ may we come quickly to the new awareness of what we must do in the face of our climate crisis./ Heal us of greed, entitlement and waste./ Bless those who help where there are fires,/ floods and destructive storms./ We pray to the Lord.

God of the nations,/ the world needs skilled and honest leaders./ Give  them gifts of courage and resolve./ Heal those in government who have become obstructers,/ imprisoned by grudges./ Free those who are enslaved to party loyalty,/ especially those who are Christian and have forsaken the Gospel Word./ We pray to the Lord.

God of beauty,/ may we grow in our powers of awareness and observation./ Give us grateful hearts./ Bless those who help to maintain the world as a beautiful place — who protect the forests,/ oceans,/ plants and animals./ We pray to the Lord.

God of wisdom,/ may we be open to new ideas./ Bless those who teach,/ who research and ask questions that will lead to new discoveries that will improve and protect life on this planet./ Give the light of wisdom to religion/ often marred and weakened by human failure./ Bless the deniers of many kinds./ We pray to the Lord.

God of compassion,/ be a rescuer to the displaced,/ the despairing,/ those who live in chronic sickness,/ wound,/ darkness and addiction./ Help the grieving./ Heal our pitiful divisions by a unifying love for the world's children./ May no child be left in tears and fears./ We pray to the Lord.

God of resurrection,/ take to yourself the departed dear ones from among our families and friends,/ the soldiers,/ sailors and civilians of every nation killed in our awful wars,/ the too many who die by our sinful veneration of guns./ Raise us up to your divine,/ vast,/ pro-life mind./ We pray to the Lord.