
Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Divine Protection Meditation


Jan Brueghel the Elder (1596) ~ Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee

I came across this prayer-meditation while visiting a friend with cancer. She kept it on her night stand and was eager for it to be shared with you here. But first, consider Brueghel's painting of the terrible gospel scene. The sea is wind swept and white capped. The little boat is taking on water. The apostles are overwhelmed with fear. Some are hunkering down in the boat. Two of them have been tossed upside down. One apostle tries to get control of the flapping sail. It is a picture of hopeless trouble. Peter is trying to wake the soundly sleeping Jesus.

Divine Protection

Things looked hazardous and hopeless to the group in the tempest-tossed boat on the Lake of Gennesaret. Water was swamping the boat, waves were beating upon it mercilessly. Frightened seamen and disciples turned to Jesus, who slept in the stern of the boat. Harshly they cried, even as some of His followers are crying today, "Do you not care if we perish?" (Mk. 4:38). He did care, for He arose at once and quieted the storm so that the sea became calm and safe once more.

The Savior cared then, and He cares now. He calmed the sea then, and he will protect you now. The same powerful Christ-spirit that spoke with authority then will speak through you now, saying, "Peace! Be still!" (Mark 4:39). As the Christ-spirit worked wonders then it will work wonders now. This powerful Spirit will work through you to provide security, protection, and peace.

No matter who you are, where you are, or what dangers surround you, you carry with you the greatest possible power for protection when you carry with you an awareness of the loving presence of God. In his presence is all power, all might. Establish yourself firmly in the thought of God's presence every moment wherever you are. Free yourself from every thought of fear, evil, and harm. When your mind and heart are thus free, God works through you as your power and protection, and no danger can touch you.

You are always surrounded by impenetrable walls of Spirit. Wherever you are, God is there too. Whoever you are, God loves you, because you are His child. Whatever you are doing, God is with you as your guide and help. Enfolded in His mighty love, you are kept safe and secure. His watchful, loving care is always with you.