
Thursday, October 28, 2021

Intercessions ~ Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time


Autumn is a  season of great beauty:/ bird migration,/ berry yield,/ leaf color,/ less humid, clearer air./ May we be protectors and promoters of beauty,/ especially that beauty which is Jesus Christ,/ his face,/ his word and deed,/ his invitation to wholeness./ We pray to the Lord. 

We know the great hymn,/ Be Thou My Vision./ Grant that we would share God's way of seeing and envisioning,/ a new way of seeing creation and one another,/ especially those who come to the Church in great variety and hope./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for the many who work for the health of others./ Give comfort to those who live with debilitating illness,/ chronic pain or a sense of hopelessness./ For all who are sick/ mindful of anyone from among our own family and friends,/ but also the sick who live unattended and in fear and loneliness./ We pray to the Lord.

While this Monday the Church celebrates a feast day honoring all the saints,/ we pray with grateful hearts for  those who over the years have done any good for us — who have helped us,/ lifted us up,/ taught and guided us,/ provided for us,/ walked with us through our challenges and struggles./ We pray to the Lord.

Strengthen and uphold the leaders of the nations who work to build up the common good./ Bless the efforts of those who work for reconciliation and the promotion of peace around the world./ Bring to an awakening those in leadership who are failing the people,/ who are beholden to money or power./ We pray to the Lord.

This week five hundred young German Lutherans visited the Vatican and sang for Pope Francis./ He responded by saying to them,/ "Singing unites. In the choir no one is alone."/  May we learn how to listen to one another again,/ building up that solidarity which makes for a safer world and a more holy Church./ We pray to the Lord.