
Tuesday, October 12, 2021

It's October and frost will be on the way.

The flowers in the photograph here come from the train station garden where I volunteer. I figured as it's October now, there could be a killing frost before the month's end and it would be a shame to have missed the chance to bring some of these flowers into the house. 

St. Paul (1Thessalonians 5:17) encourages us to "pray always.I've met folks who argue that's not possible, but I believe it is, if I set out to miss nothing and to heap up gratitudes throughout the day. I don't want my life to be taken up with the world's tasks or business. It's said that in England now, to be alive, is to go shopping. Here too. Indeed, we no longer even need to leave home to go shopping. A week or so ago, a young hard working mechanic said of his spouse, "She spends the entire day online shopping — and for stuff we don't even need." There are lots of people I pass on the street where I live, but they don't hear the birds, the wind, the tree leaves rustling or even my "hello" because they're plugged in, heads down. The world's business.

I think AA coined the phrase, "The thing you pay attention to, increases." So, I'm sending flowers from my garden your way this morning. Let's believe that earth is indeed crammed with heaven; that God fills our days with beauty. Let's look for everything that's still good.