
Tuesday, October 5, 2021

The Teacher Says; The Teacher Asks


This lovely image was painted by the American artist Morgan Weistling (b. 1964). "The hardest thing for a painter to learn is how to paint light," an artist friend told me. What a perfect title for this painting then — Glow. But while the young girl holds the light, she is pensive. She is in an interior place, isn't she? This is Christ's invitation. He doesn't say, "Let's go to Rome and get these issues settled once and for all." He doesn't say, "Let's go to court and find the judges who will decide in our favor." He says, "Go to your inner room," Matthew 6:6. It is a great sadness when Christianity misses Jesus in an inner way.

Many years ago, when visiting the Guadalupe Shrine in Mexico City, I discovered a large sign posted before the monstrance where there was adoration all day. It's said that the average American can identify over one hundred commercial logos and over one hundred commercial slogans. Maybe we could learn these verses and their invitation by heart and rehearse them when we are feeling unhappy, unsure, afraid, unwell. Each saying of Jesus has been translated into a question, as if he is speaking to us personally. I've made some adjustments where the online Spanish-to-English translation struck me as perhaps shallow or dull.

The teacher says; the teacher asks:

I am the bread of life — do you want to be filled with me? John 6:51

I am the light — will you allow me to penetrate your heart? John 8:12

I am the stone — will you dash your thoughts against me? All of them? Mark 12:10

I am the way — will you follow me? John 14:6

I am the truth — will you allow me to disturb you? John 14:6

I am the life — are you searching for me? John 11:25

I am a teacher — are you listening to me? John 11:28

I am the Lord — how are you allowing me to refashion you? John 20:28

I am your friend — how do you love me? Matthew 26: 50

I am the good shepherd — do you really know me? John 10:11

I am the living water — does this fountain well up within you? John 4:10-11

I am peace — do you want me deeply? John 20:20

I am your God — do you still wonder about me, as when you were a child? John 20:28  

If you are unhappy, don't blame me, because I have come to give you life and to give it abundantly. John 10:10