
Thursday, November 18, 2021

Intercessions ~ Feast of Christ the King

Christ Enthroned ~ 14th c Monastery of Dionysiou ~ Mount Athos

May God bless the church with new humility,/ learning again and again how to extend compassion to those who have been harmed by religious people and in religious places./ May parish congregations be healthy revelations of God's reconciling love./ We pray to the Lord.

God loves the created universe from beginning to end./ In this season of change,/ we ask for the protection of the animals as some migrate or enter a time of hibernation,/ and the plants as they rest until the spring./ May we understand how to protect our planet's abundant life./ We pray to the Lord.

We ask for elected leaders and officials to be blessed with gifts of insight and compassion./ As a nation which calls itself, one/ may we be willing to put aside defiance,/ ignorance and stubbornness/ to make the sacrifices needed to protect the common good./ We pray to the Lord.

God is with us in the disasters which afflict the world./ Strengthen and aid the survivors of earthquakes,/ floods,/ famines,/ hurricanes and wildfires,/ and the first responders and helpers who support them./ Calm our terrible fears/ help us to be generous where aid is needed./ We pray to the Lord.

May Christian congregations learn the inclusion of Jesus./ We pray for parishes weakened and stressed by disagreements,/ differences,/ disappointments./ Forgive our fractured communities and unite your people in the love of Christ./ We pray to the Lord.

November is the month of prayers for the dead./ We give thanks for all the people who over the years have taught us,/ blessed,/ protected and guided our lives./ Assure us of Christ's Resurrection promise./ We pray to the Lord.