
Friday, November 26, 2021

Intercessions ~ First Advent

Christians and Jews both begin celebrations of light this weekend with the start of Advent and Hanukkah./ May God's light dispel the darkness from human hearts which harbor murder,/ rage,/ money-waste,/  greed and indifference./ We pray to the Lord. 

During a recent visit to Assisi,/ in speaking about the Coronavirus Pandemic,/ Pope Francis said,/ "A return to normalcy should not mean a return to the old social structures inspired by self-sufficiency,/ nationalism,/ protectionism,/ individualism and isolationism,/ excluding our poorer brothers and sisters."/ May we learn from his words./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for those who are around us at Mass at the start of Advent./ For those who have abandoned the practice of Sunday worship/ some perhaps from among our own family and friends./ For those who cannot be with us at Mass because of sickness/ frailty or distracting suffering./ We pray to the Lord.

At the start of another liturgical year,/ we pray for the President of the United States and those who lead nations around the world./ May they choose a non-violent,/ non-aggressive path towards the future./ Give them gifts of wisdom and humility,/ able to make decisions for the good of all./ We pray to the Lord.

Summer fires destroyed millions of trees,/ even ancient trees,/ plants,/ endangered animals and needed insects./ Give human beings compassionate hearts that care for every living thing./ We pray to the Lord.

During the Advent time,/ preparing for the Birth of Christ,/ may we grow in the welcome and care of children,/ doing something practical to protect the littlest and most vulnerable./ We pray to the Lord.