
Thursday, November 11, 2021

Intercessions ~ Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time


These days of acrimony and confusion,/ we ask for the people of God to be of such happy face and happy heart,/ that others may be drawn to the love of God revealed in Jesus Christ./ We pray to the Lord.

At Sunday Mass/ while we ponder and gratefully receive the gift of Christ's Real Presence in the Eucharist/ may we also ask ourselves,/ "Am I, are WE, a real presence of Christ in this world?"/ We pray to the Lord.

In his recent visit to the United States,/ Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople said,/ "We are not placed here to rule anyone other than ourselves. But we are all called to serve everyone. And to serve them humbly, righteously and always with mercy and compassion."/ May we understand./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray gratefully for the nations which serve as new homes for refugees whose homelands suffer violence./ Give new endurance to those who work for peace/ and healing to those who bear the scars of war./ We pray to the Lord.

For health care workers and those who answer cries for help./ Bless the ministries of home visitation,/ child care,/ hospitality,/ fellowship and feeding./ We pray to the Lord.

As the holiday time approaches,/ we ask that our families would be safe and well./  Preserve us in peace./ Heal our tribe-like divisions./ Keep us from over-heated emotion,/ narrow-thinking,/ selfishness,/ wastefulness,/ indifference and superficiality./ We pray to the Lord.