
Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Day 5 ~ Akathist of Thanksgiving ~ in the Advent Time

 Scroll back to November 29 for an introduction to this thirteen part prayer.

Kontakion 5

The dark storm clouds of life bring no terror to those in whose hearts your fire is burning brightly. *Outside is the darkness of the whirlwind, the terror and howling of the storm, but in the heart, in the presence of Christ, there is light and peace, silence: Alleluia!

Ikos 5

I see your heavens resplendent with stars. How glorious you are radiant with light! Eternity watches me by the rays of the distant stars. I am small, insignificant, but the Lord is at my side. Your right arm guides me wherever I go.

Glory to you, ceaselessly watching over me.
Glory to you,  for the encounters you arrange for me.
Glory to you, for the love of parents, for the faithfulness of friends.
Glory to you, for the humbleness of the animals which serve me.
Glory to you, for the unforgettable moments of life.
Glory to you, for the heart's innocent joy.
Glory to you, for the joy of living,
  moving and being able to return your love.
Glory to you, O God, from age to age.

* "Outside the darkness of the whirlwind...the terror and howling storm..." He's likely not giving a weather report but a metaphor for the deportation, arrests, theft, imprisonment and murder of his day. Then, "...but in the heart...."

* "the unforgettable moments of life" — May we take some moments to recount them!