
Monday, December 13, 2021

Day 7 ~ Akathist of Thanksgiving ~ In the Advent Time

Scroll back to November 29 for an introduction to this 13 day prayer.

Kontakion 7

In the wondrous blending of sounds it is your call we hear; in the harmony of many voices, in the sublime beauty of music, in the glory of the works of great composers: you lead us to the threshold of paradise to come, and to the choirs of angels. All true beauty has the power to draw the soul towards you, and to make it sing in ecstasy: Alleluia!

Ikos 7

The breath of your Holy Spirit inspires artists, poets and scientists. The power of your supreme knowledge makes them prophets and interpreters of your laws, who reveal the depths of your creative wisdom. Their works speak unwittingly of you. How great you are in your creation! How great you are in humankind!

Glory to you, showing your unsurpassable power in the laws of the universe.

Glory to you, for *all nature is filled with your laws.

Glory to you, for what you have revealed to us in your mercy.

Glory to you, for what you have hidden from us in your wisdom.

Glory to you, for the inventiveness of the human mind.

Glory to you, for the *dignity of human labor.

Glory to you, for the *tongues of fire that bring inspiration.

Glory to you, O God, from age to age. 

* "all nature is filled with your laws" — Science and Theology are a wonderful coming together. God's existence is in no way denied.

* "The dignity of human labor." — Do I ever think of the back breaking labor of those who pick the strawberries on my table, who harvested the coffee beans, who cleans the hospital emergency room, who scrubs the public toilets?

* "tongues of fire that bring inspiration" — The voices of challenge and change that en-spirit us. I'm concerned for Christians who say, "I hate change." I wonder if they are obstructing the movement of God's Holy Spirit.