
Thursday, December 30, 2021

Intercessions ~ Feast of the Epiphany


Star of Bethlehem

A Savior is born for us!/ We ask for the Church to be a people of Good News to a world of sad news,/ offering an action-word of salvation,/ hope,/ joy,/ healing,/ confidence and relief./ We pray to the Lord.

In the Christmas carol we sing, "the weary world rejoices."/ We pray for those who are tired and feel no rejoicing,/ who are weary of war,/ weary of injustice/ tired of themselves and their failure./ We pray to the Lord.

Jesus was born into the world of the Roman Empire,/ a world often at war or preparing for war./ We pray for leaders to make decisions for peace that benefits others,/ not creating fear,/ but helping the world to be a more good,/ healthy and safe place./ We pray to the Lord.

At Bethlehem,/ the Infant Jesus sometimes cried,/ as babies do./ We pray for the world's children/ crying in pain,/ loneliness,/  terror,/ discomfort or need./ For the children who are lost,/ separated or grieving at Christmas./ We pray to the Lord. 

In another Christmas carol we sing of "comfort and joy."/ We ask comfort for parents who feel defeated or worried./ For expectant parents and those who are caregivers to the elderly,/ special needs folks,/ the weak ones,/ the dying./ We pray to the Lord. 

In the Christmas scene we see Joseph the dreamer./ Bless those who dream of safety,/ of being valued,/ employed,/ talked to and included./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for those who do nothing to help during this time of covid spread - who only resist,/argue and deny./ For the many who continue to get sick,/ for those who die,/ for those who mourn./  May we not forget that covid is a global crisis./ We pray to the Lord.