
Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Intercessions ~ Second Advent

At the start of December we pray for those  who celebrate birthdays,/ anniversaries and other days of remembrance./ We pray for the safety of holiday travelers and for the peace and wellbeing of family and friends./ We pray to the Lord.

Advent is a time of waiting/ waiting for the Lord's return,/ waiting to celebrate another Christmas./ We pray for those who wait for the baby to be born,/ who wait for the war to end,/ who wait to find a new welcoming home,/ who wait for sobriety,/ who wait for test results or a cure,/ who wait for the return of a loved one./ We pray to the Lord.

Tuesday is Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day./ We pray for the 2400 men and women who died that day,/ and ask for a new willingness to enter honest, peace-creating dialogues./ May we do this for the world's children./ We pray to the Lord. 

Wednesday is the feast of the Immaculate Conception./ Like Mary, may we create an atmosphere of love around Jesus,/ rejecting the tendencies we can so easily follow:/ greed and indifference,/ the demonizing of others,/ making ourselves the norm that all should embrace./ We pray to the Lord. 

We pray for Pope Francis as he completes his visit to Cyprus and Greece./ We pray for the 31 refugees who drown this week when their boat capsized in the English Channel between France and Great Britain./ May those who are fleeing in desperation,/ our sisters and brothers,/ find hospitality not hostility./  We pray to the Lord.

God of forests and fields,/ oceans and rivers/ and all the living things,/ grow us up spiritually,/ that we would not expect you to save our planet,/ but that we would have the resolve to nurture what you have lovingly created./  We pray to the Lord.

There was yet another high school shooting this week/ leaving four teenagers dead and seven injured./ May God forgive our gun idolatry./ May God console,/ bless,/ strengthen,/ heal and convert our nation/ weakened and demoralized by murderous violence./ We pray to the Lord.
