
Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Intercessions ~ The Baptism of the Lord

Byzantine Baptism Font ~ 6th c ~ Tunisia

Early in January,/ we ask health,/ safety and peace for those who this month celebrate birthdays,/ anniversaries and other days of remembrance./ For the safety of winter travelers./ We pray to the Lord.

As Jesus is baptized in the River Jordan,/ we ask to understand and embrace the meaning of our own baptism,/ where we met Jesus for the first time/ and in the water./ May we know what it is to be drenched and soaked in friendship with Christ./ We pray to the Lord.

Our physical and spiritual lives begin in water./ May we understand the importance of water as our life-source./ May we not waste water./ May we have a care for the protection of the oceans,/ seas,/ rivers,/ streams,/ reservoirs and wells,/ and all the animals and plants dependent upon their health./ We pray to the Lord.

We ask that as a people we would be mindful of God's favor towards us/ and glad to do God's will./ Save us from violence,/ confusion and argument,/ from pride and arrogance/ and from every evil way./ We pray to the Lord.

A new telescope has been sent into space, which will reveal more deeply the splendor of the universe./ Grant us the humility to trust our place in God's great creation,/ that we would live in and serve the beauty of our natural world./ We pray to the Lord.

Send your healing and helpful Spirit to those in prison,/ who struggle with addiction,/ who are unwell or in need today./ Grant that at the start of a new year,/ we would have open, forgiving hearts./ We pray to the Lord.

For the more than eight hundred and thirty thousand Americans who have died of the Coronavirus/ and the five and a half million more around the world./ For those who mourn the loss of dear ones,/ and for the hospital workers who continue their work to heal the sick./ We pray to the Lord.