
Thursday, January 13, 2022

Intercessions ~ Second Sunday in Ordinary Time


With the return to Ordinary Time we complete the feasts of revelation:/ Nativity,/ Epiphany,/ the Lord's Baptism./ We pray as the nation awaits a new revelation of the precious dignity of each human life,/ the need to tell the truth,/ the revelation of what the common good means./ We pray to the Lord.

The Mother of God stands here in the orans posture of a priest at Mass./ It is the gesture of openness,/ vulnerability before one another and God./ It is the posture of no weapons,/ non-violence/ and welcome./ May we learn from her./ We pray to the Lord.

Give Pope Francis the courage and strength he needs to continue his ministry of service to the world./ Restore the people who have turned their hearts against him,/ especially those who are among the clergy./ We pray to the Lord.

This week a high-rise apartment fire in the Bronx, NY, claimed the lives of 19 people, including 9 children and 63 injured./ Some are clinging to life./ Most of the victims are from the West-coast nation of Gambia, Africa./ We pray for the dead and the injured./ For the heroes who worked to save lives./ For mourners and investigators./ We pray to the Lord.

The liturgical color of the season is green./ It is the color of hope - the virtue of believing God can and will act./ May we be protected from cynicism,/ bitterness,/ despair,/ depression and anger./ May we re-discover joy,/ courtesy and respect where it has been weakened./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for anyone of whom we need to ask forgiveness./ May God forgive us any failure in love or justice that has harmed others or made them sad or afraid./ We pray as well for those we need to forgive./ God grant them health and safety,/ and everything they need for their own salvation./ May our hearts be freed of bitterness./ We pray to the Lord.

For the President of the United States,/ those in Congress,/ Governors and all who serve in public office./ May they be pure of heart,/ of good conscience,/ just and loving servants./ We pray to the Lord.