
Thursday, January 20, 2022

Intercessions ~ Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

This week in Texas,/ a Jewish rabbi and three congregants were held hostage during an eleven hour standoff./ We pray for our nation to be healed of this kind of hatred,/ terror and violence./ Bless the helpers,/ keep us from despair and the fatigue of insecurity./We pray to the Lord.

January 18-25 is called the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity./ Pope Francis asks for the churches to keep their eyes on Jesus and to remain close to one another in prayer./ We ask for the healing of old wounds,/ disastrous historical mistakes and sins./ For the putting away of useless resentments./ We pray to the Lord.

In early January,/ sixteen infants were baptized by Pope Francis in the Sistine Chapel of the Vatican./ May we treasure the reality of our own baptism/ when we met Jesus for the first time in the water making us disciples who want to learn from Jesus how to live authentic Christly lives./ We pray to the Lord.

Recently at Mass we heard the account of the Wedding at Cana./ The wedding symbolizes God's nuptial  love for us,/ but the wine of joy has run out./ God doesn't desire the bloody offering of countless dead animals,/ but hearts open to God's unconditional love./ May we not grow tired of living in this love./ We pray to the Lord.

In the cold time of the year we pray for those who are homeless,/ hungry,/ unemployed,/ fearful./ For the sick and those in hospitals who care generously for those suffering from covid./ We pray for people around the world suffering from wars and natural disasters,/ where tensions are high and people are feeling insecure./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for politicians and leaders around the world./ For those who have forgotten their role as public servants,/ who have become obstructionist,/ who desire prominence and attention,/ who pander to groups that make them rich./ We pray to the Lord. 

We pray as well for veterans who have returned from war,/ who are traumatized and damaged physically,/ emotionally,/ relationally,/ spiritually./ It is not sufficient to thank them and call them heroes,/ but we pray for their healing and restoration./ We pray to the Lord.