
Thursday, February 24, 2022

Intercessions ~ Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Hellebore ~ Lenten Rose in Snow

As Ash Wednesday is observed this week,/ the third time since the start of the covid pandemic,/ we pray for a holy Lent,/ marked not so much by the giving up of things,/ but by a great longing or thirst for God/ that is satisfied in a deepened relationship with Jesus Christ./ We pray to the Lord.

At the start of March this week as well,/ we pray for those who this month will celebrate birthdays,/ anniversaries/ and other days of remembrance,/ asking for good health,/ safety and wellbeing./ We pray to the Lord.

"Where there is a man,/ there is always a war."/ And wherever there's war,/ humanity loses./ We ask for the world to be spared the sadness,/ waste and death that comes with war,/ and find our way quickly to the restoration of security and peace./ We pray to the Lord.

This week Pope Francis met with French pilgrims committed to improving the well-being of persons blind/ and advocating for their inclusion./ The pope reminded all—"We see well only with the heart."/ May we listen and learn./ We pray to the Lord.

Spring officially begins in the month of March./ The turning of seasons reminds us that we can change./ May we learn to forgive others,/ resolving conflicts humbly and patiently./ Bless families in all their variety/ and those who feel overwhelmed,/ lonely or sad./ We pray to the Lord.

Heal those who suffer chronic and debilitating pain or sickness./ Strengthen all whose spirits or minds are full of anger,/ violence or revenge./ We pray to the Lord.