
Thursday, March 24, 2022

Intercessions ~ Fourth Sunday in Lent


A few thoughts before we pray the intercessions. A friend gave me a black and white photograph copy of this icon years ago. I have titled her: Mother of God ~ All Perceiving because she looks and sees off into the distance. Perhaps she is looking at those mind-spaces where human beings conceive and effect awful, evil things. Her maphorian looks black, but it is probably the deepest red — the color of dried blood. She presses her cheek to the Christ's head. She knows the children are endangered. The Child's head is large. He is not a tender babe, but always the Lord. It is a divine-human mind that sees and knows all — a mind filled with the thoughts of God's peace which we reject to our shame.

Spring has begun./ It is the season which says, "See, we can change."/ May we not despair of believing this./ May we hold on to hope that the world can be a peaceful place./ May we delight in beauty and goodness wherever it remains./ We pray to the Lord.

More than ten million people have been displaced in Ukraine,/ moving to what they hope are safer places within Ukraine,/ or having left it for other countries./ We pray for them in their un-imaginable sorrow and fear./ We ask blessings for those who welcome them to safety./ We pray to the Lord.

Pope Francis has said,/ "Unfortunately, the violent aggression against Ukraine does not stop,/ a senseless massacre when every day there is a repetition of slaughter and atrocities./ There is no justification for this!/  I plead with all those involved in the international community to truly commit to ending this abhorrent war."/ May we understand./ We pray to the Lord.

As Pope Francis consecrated Ukraine and Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary this week,/ we remember the Gospel words of Jesus:/ Blessed are the clean of heart,/ and ask for the turning of our own hearts to the things of God's peace./ May we move beyond the tolerance of others/ to the love of others./ We pray to the Lord.

This week powerful and destructive tornadoes swept through New Orleans/ We pray for those who are now homeless,/ sad,/ fearful./ We ask blessings for first responders and helpers./ We pray to the Lord.

We entrust our families to God's care,/ as well as our neighbors,/ work colleagues and fellow parishioners./ We remember prayerfully those who are alone./ Bless visiting nurses,/ home health care workers/ and those whose parish ministry is the visiting of the sick and the homebound./ We pray to the Lord.