
Thursday, March 10, 2022

Intercessions ~ Second Sunday of Lent

More than two million refugees have fled Ukraine these past two weeks./ Among them are hundreds of thousands of children./ We pray for them/ mindful that some are disabled or unaccompanied by adults and remain particularly vulnerable./ We pray to the Lord.

Bless and strengthen Pope Francis and religious leaders everywhere who are working/ if even behind the scenes,/ to restore peace in Ukraine./ Bless the families and organizations who are taking in refugees,/ even entire families./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for our planet and for every living thing./ Sustain farmers,/ agricultural works and all who provide the world with food./ Awaken nations to the vulnerability of the earth and the need to protect it./ There will always be deniers of every kind,/ "Bless them; don't curse them," Jesus says./ We pray to the Lord.

This Lenten weekend,/ we pray for Christians around the world who come together for worship./ May the proclamation of God's word be clear./ May we not be distracted by lies./ We pray to the Lord.

For the sick,/ the wounded,/ the addicted,/ those damaged psychologically or spiritually./ We pray for those who are without shelter, food or friendship./ We pray to the Lord.

There are already signs of spring,/ the season which perhaps more than any other says, "Yes, we can change."/ We pray for ourselves during Lent,/ may we understand and allow for god to evolve and change as as God desires./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for the dead during this time of invasion,/ for those who mourn them and struggle to bury them./ For those who now face loneliness,/ deep sadness and even poverty for the loss of a loved one./ And let us pray for soldiers caught in the awfulness of bombing and killing — many are young and feeling demoralized and conflicted./ We pray to the Lord.