
Sunday, May 15, 2022

"And some time make the time..."

I was kindly invited into a zoom poetry group recently where the first six words of the opening line of Seamus Heaney's poem "Postscript" were offered as a prompt — "And some time make the time..." Suggesting the prompt, the participants were then encouraged to compose their own poems. No format prescribed, we were left completely free. Here was my entry as "an old priest who takes care of a cemetery." 

And some time make the time

  to consider the first step through the gate,

  to inhale the damp spring earth,

  to get down deep to the ground's first shoots.

And some time make the time

  to pull the winter weeds,

  to inspect the groundhog's den,

  to watch the fern's unfurling.

And some time make the time

  to engage the robins' holly debate,

  to wash the hand-tool is if it were the chalice,

  to answer the visitor's wave.

And some time make the time

  to bless the morning air,

  to greet the earliest bees,

  to laugh with muddied knees.

And some time make the time

  to feel the light of the golden-hour,

  to consider the sound-gift of rain,

  to trust that Christ has noticed me.

And some time make the time

  to distinguish the house wren's song, 

  to study the lily's interior;

     the pin oak's skin,

  to sing your own psalm.