
Thursday, May 19, 2022

Intercessions ~ Sixth Sunday of Easter

A candle for each person murdered in Buffalo

A mass shooting is  one which kills or injures four or more people./ Already this year there have been more than 200 mass shootings in the United States./ We ask for the healing of what ails us culturally,/ spiritually,/ psychologically,/ politically./ May God forgive the national sins which lead to so much violence,/ death and sorrow./ We pray to the Lord.

Despite his painful affliction,/ Pope Francis still intends to visit Canada where he make apology for the actions of the Church which led to the abuse of native American children./ As with the sex abuse scandals around the world,/ we ask for the forgiveness of the Church's sins,/ praying for purification and renewal. We pray to the Lord.

In April alone more that one hundred Ukrainian children were killed./ The sadness is profound./ Christianity is again covered with shame/ as it is a Christian country invading another Christian country/ both countries venerating icons of the Virgin Mary holding the Christ Child./  We ask for leadership which would put an end to this ruinous insanity./ We pray to the Lord. 

While this God-insulting invasion of Ukraine continues,/ the earth itself is convulsed,/ the air is blackened,/ the soil is oil soaked,/ the water wasted,/ the trees are scorched/  no bird can nest,/ the domestic and wild animals are killed or driven away./ May God heal us/ and make us stewards of creation./ We pray to the Lord.

There is a great poisoning of the culture by media personalities who spread suspicion,/ doubt,/ anxiety and division./ It is sometimes said, "The devil is a spoiler."/ We pray to be real Christians who listen only to the voice of Jesus/ which is a voice of light./ We pray to the Lord.

Thursday is the Feast of the Ascension./ May we go up with Jesus/ to the higher things of mercy,/ compassion and humility,/ leaving behind prejudice,/ power and greed./ We pray to the Lord.