
Sunday, August 14, 2022

A New Alphabetic Psalm


We might be familiar with the Alphabetic Psalms of the Hebrew Scriptures. These are psalms where every line or couplet begins with the Hebrew letters of the alphabet in sequential order. I've echoed the technique here using our own ABC alphabet. The psalms express every emotion — ecstatic joy to murderous rage. The psalmist holds back nothing from God.

Arise with me, O God, who has watched over me through the night.

Blessed are you, whose tender thought created me.

Cast away any spirit-foe that looks for my un-doing.

Direct me in my anguish and ignorance.

Everyday may my first thought be of love for you.

Filling my day, my life-way, with blessings everywhere.

Gratitude piled high, for your kindness to me.

Help me when I am weakened by the tempest of anxieties.

I am your dear child, who thanks you for my life-gift.

Justice: Do we shrink from it for fear we might have to do without?

Keep your merciful gaze on me, O God, lest I betray you today.

Loving humankind, you found us long before we ever thought to look for you.

My tears, my fretting, you know it all, O Blessed One.

Niche or nook, the inner place of deepest intimacy with you.

Oh, for the little house which is my life — guard me.

Pleasant to me are the thoughts of your heart.

Quandary, questioning, quaking — I remain your very own.

Remember any good thing I have done throughout my life, Holy One.

Shade me in the day of trouble.

Thanking you for companions who have walked with me on our way to you.

Under your gaze, keep me safe from those who could make trouble.

Vagrant I am, still, it matters to you that I exist.

Worms of resentment invade — free me, O Good One.

X — Roman numeral for ten — number of fresh beginnings. Each day I begin again with you.

Yesterday's folly, by your compassion, forgiven and forgotten.

Zillow sells houses — may I find my true home in your heart.