
Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Walsingham Feast Day ~ September 24

The Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham is in North Norfolk, England. In 1061, an Anglo-Saxon woman noblewoman, Richeldis de Faverches, had a vison of the Virgin Mary in which she was instructed to build a replica of the Holy House in Nazareth where the Annunciation took place.  Hence Walsingham became known as England's Nazareth. For centuries people, in all their variety, pilgrimed to the great shrine from all across Europe.

But Mary's shrine fell victim to the English Reformation of Henry VIII. Once her greatest devotee, who even paid to have a candle burning before her image year round, in 1538 he had Mary's shrine, the Holy House and monastic priory plundered and leveled. It is said that the shrine's image of the Mother of God was dragged behind a horse from Norfolk to London where it was burned. Another version claims the broken remains are possibly kept in The Victoria and Albert Museum in London. Either way, since the 1930's the shrine has been modestly restored and pilgrims in increasing numbers return.

Here is a small wood carved statue of Our Lady of Walsingham I bought when I was in seminary a long time ago. The tiny lily which Mary held in her right hand got lost somehow over the years. Anyway, I keep the candle lit before the statue as one of the first acts of my day. For me, lighting a candle before Mary's image keeps hope alive. 

And here is a a litany prayer I've composed for her feast day which is celebrated this Saturday, September 24.

My Lady Mary —
Who dwelt at Nazareth as a flower in its niche.
Who understands the language of angels.
Who is God's new home on earth.
Who is God's joy.

My Lady Mary —
Who is true and noble.
Who is is right and pure.
Who is lovely and admirable. 
Who is excellent and praiseworthy. Philippians 4:8

My Lady Mary —
Who praises God in the midst of creation.
Whose image so pleases us.
Whose lap a great throne.
Whose holy well a blessing place.

My Lady Mary —
Who bids us pray our own Magnificat.
Who gathers people in prayer.
Who heals hearts for loving.
Who understands the Beloved's mind.

My Lady Mary —
Who knows we are willed by God.
Who knows we are loved by God.
Who resides enfolded in the everlasting arms.
Whose praises on earth endure.

My Lady Mary —
Whose name, Miryam, is sweet.
Whose name is created for our encouragement.
Who creates an atmosphere of love around your son.
Who I approach in silence.

My Lady Mary —
Who restores comfort.
Who restores joy.
Who is my soul's fire.
Who is clean of heart.

My Lady Mary —
Who births the deliverer.
Whose enduring story is gladsome.
Who is there, with us, in our spiritual yearning.
Who reconciles visible and invisible worlds.

My Lady Mary  —
Who sees the desecrator.
Who has compassion for minds turned coarse and cold.
Who pities our world of flame.
Who knows us in our cruel losses.

My Lady Mary —
Who will be there in joy on my resurrection day.
Who I serve reverently.
Whose protection covers me as with a vestment.
Who delights me like the golden hour.

Fr. Stephen Morris