
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes

Matthew 14: 13-21

Jesus set sail for the other side of the lake,
while the crowds ran around to meet him there.
Let us go quickly as well, to be with Jesus,
who feeds us with the Bread of his Word.

The crowd followed Jesus to the deserted place,
an image of humanity in loneliness.
But in you, O Christ, is God's communion with us,
the healing of our isolation.

When the Hebrews complained in their desert hunger,
God sent them manna and quail.
Now here is a sign of heaven's great courtesy,
as Christ feeds the crowds with bread and fish.

Gratefully accepting the little bit of food,
"All we have here with us is five loaves and two fish."
O Christ, accept now the little bit of ourselves,
and glorify you in this donation of our lives.

Five plus two is seven: the number of Gentile Nations
to whom Christ's name would be proclaimed.
And believe with joy that Christ makes use of everything,
even myself in frailty and desire.

As Jesus received the gift of loaves
he blessed God and gave thanks.
Let us think of Easter night; let us think of Holy Mass,
and recognize Christ in the Breaking of the Bread.

As Elisha multiplied oil and bread
so Jesus, our Savior, multiplied bread and fish.
And so we are prepared to meet Christ the Bread of Life,
whose own Body and Blood is nourishment from heaven.

Let us excuse the evangelist's omission,
in not counting the women and children.
But in Christ, lamp upon my feet,
be glad no one is expendable; that all have a place.

The people ate as much as they wanted,
until they all were filled.
You have revealed, O Christ, that in you is food:
plentious satisfaction of our hunger for God.

The Lord fed thousands and with food left over,
gathered, enough to fill twelve baskets.
Lift up your head - in Christ, nothing is wasted,
I am desired by God; let us glorify him!