
Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Raising of Lazarus

John 11: 1-46

Though Martha warned of a fourth day stench,
Christ the Lord of Life raised up Lazarus from the dead.
He is our bright rising;
Who can have enough of beholding his glory? (Sirach 42:25)

When Christ our Resurrection called, "Lazarus, come out,"
the dead man came forth, wrapped hand and foot.
God, who calls to the stars at their posts,
who answer,"Here we are" shining in joy for their Maker.

As the Lord stood before the tomb of his friend
he wept, while the Jews witnessed the depth of his love:
The tears of a war horse charging into battle,
as Jesus advanced upon death, triumphant in the conflict.

Let us emulate Jesus, the Lord of love,
and with him lift our own eyes to heaven in prayer.
Thus Christ has modeled for us to have heavenly recourse:
to trust God, whose eye is on the sparrow.

The Lord Jesus would have known of Lazarus' stench,
dead man now buried four days in the tomb.
But this was to evidence Christ's power to reclaim
human hearts buried in  spiritual decay.

Behold the Lord Jesus restoring Lazarus to life!
How greatly to be desired are all of God's works!
Behold the Lord Jesus, in His own Easter morning!
How sparkling he is to see!

Your friends, O Christ, Martha and Mary
went  to the tomb with friends to weep.
Let us all go to Jesus who transcends death,
offering consolation to those who mourn.

When Christ commanded, Untie him; let him go free,
he set Lazarus on a new path of life.
Like Lazarus, let us know Christ who forgives the past,
bestowing upon us, the freedom of God's children.

The rain of your tears, O Christ, waters our world,
making the life of goodness to grow.
O thank the Lord, O thank the Lord,
whose mercies endure forever.

Jesus is glorified in the wonder of life
which brings Lazarus out of the stone-sealed tomb.
Now the Pharisees in jealousy, scheme the Lord's death,
but glory will follow in the brightness of Easter!