
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Tuesday in the Easter Octave: Jesus, Risen Gardener

Rembrandt ~ Jesus, Risen Gardener

In preparation for my First Communion I was catechized in 1957-58 by a young Franciscan nun, Sister Vincent. My world was already delightful with crayons, training wheel bike and over the fence there were still wooded lots. Then...

She told me of your Resurrection, O Christ my beloved:
of the myrrh-bearing women who ran in fear and joy,
of your Easter morning gardener-disguise,
of the beach-breakfast you prepared on the charcoal fire,
of your honeycomb lunch -
   sweetness of God's life,
   after the vinegar we gave you to drink,
of your candlelight dinner with news-weary friends,
of your wounds shining like the crocus in snow,
of your peace-laden breath,
of your eyes wide awake
looking compassion upon our Good Friday world - 
   of human bombs,
   and sexualized infants,
   of despised refugees
   and oil-soaked seabirds,
   of burning forests
   and discount spice.

Stay with us Lord, it is already late.

Father Stephen Morris