
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Wednesday in the Easter Octave

The Western Church calls these days the Easter Octave - an overflow of eight days - each prayer in the present tense - today! The Eastern Church calls these days Bright Week. Each day filled with the light of the Resurrection. At Athos, the icon of the Mother of God Glykophilousa is carried in procession. Here is the accompanying hymn:

The angel cried to the Lady full of grace:
Rejoice, O pure Virgin!
Again I say: Rejoice! 
Your Son is risen from His three days in the tomb!
Shine! Shine! O New Jerusalem!
The glory of the Lord has shone on you!
Dance now and be glad, O Zion!
Be radiant, O Pure Theotokos,
in the Resurrection of Your Son!

  • Theotokos is Greek for Mother of God. 
  • Glykophilousa means Sweet Kissing or Loving Kindness. In Christ, born of Mary, the world is kissed by God.
  • And who's the New Jerusalem? Who's Zion? It's us! 
  • Rejoice! Shine! Dance! Be glad! Be radiant! We're invited to enter an inner world of happiness.