
Thursday, December 29, 2016

Intercessions ~ Solemnity of Mary's Maternity ~ New Years Day

As the start of the New Year/ there is talk of a new arms race and nuclear proliferation./ We ask God to spare us,/ praying for world leaders to value good sense more than power./ We pray to the Lord.

We pray for Pope Francis as he speaks to the world at Christmas and the New Year./ We ask for the new global heart/ he hopes to call forth/ reflective of the energies of love,/ mercy and justice./ We pray to the Lord.

As God comes to us as a little child at Christmas,/ we pray for the children of the world:/ those hiding during bombardments,/ who hold on in sea crossings,/ whose hunger and thirst is unsatisfied,/ who are abandoned and fearful./ We pray to the Lord. 

The Christmas story edifies us with the protection and guardianship of Joseph./ We pray for parents around the world:/ for those who struggle to provide for their families,/ for parents who are out of work,/ for parents whose relationship is in trouble./ for those who have failed their children./ We pray to the Lord.

As a new year opens to us/ we pray for our own families and for our friends./ We entrust all their concerns to Mary's maternal care and God's great kindness,/ asking for good health/ and the resolution of problems which prevent growth and balance./ We pray to the Lord. 

We pray for those who are sick,/ frail,/ vulnerable and weak,/ to be supported in friendship and care./ We remember those who have died this past year/ mindful of recent tragedies in Berlin and over the Black Sea/ and for those who begin the new year in mourning/ awaiting the return of joy and peace./ We pray to the Lord.